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ps_trunc() sets out‐of‐range propensity scores to fixed bounding values (a form of winsorizing). This is an alternative to ps_trim(), which removes (sets NA) instead of bounding and is then refit with ps_refit()


  method = c("ps", "pctl", "cr"),
  lower = NULL,
  upper = NULL,
  .exposure = NULL,
  .treated = NULL,
  .untreated = NULL



The propensity score, a numeric vector between 0 and 1.


One of "ps", "pctl", or "cr".

  • "ps": directly cut on [lower, upper] of ps.

  • "pctl": use quantiles of ps as bounding values

  • "cr": the common range of ps given .exposure, bounding [min(ps[treated]), max(ps[untreated])]

lower, upper

Numeric or quantile bounds. If NULL, defaults vary by method.


For method "cr", a binary exposure vector.


The value representing the treatment group. If not provided, it is automatically detected.


The value representing the control group. If not provided, it is automatically detected.


A ps_trunc object (numeric vector). It has an attribute ps_trunc_meta storing fields like method, lower_bound, and upper_bound.


For each \(ps[i]\):

  • If \(ps[i] < lower\_bound\), we set \(ps[i] = lower\_bound\).

  • If \(ps[i] > upper\_bound\), we set \(ps[i] = upper\_bound\). This approach is often called winsorizing.

See also

ps_trim() and ps_refit() for removing extreme values vs. bounding


n <- 30
x <- rnorm(n)
z <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(0.4 * x))
fit <- glm(z ~ x, family = binomial)
ps <- predict(fit, type = "response")

# truncate just the 99th percentile
ps_trunc(ps, method = "pctl", lower = 0, upper = .99)
#> <ps_trunc{[0.341443426776033,0.805793268892769], method=pctl}[30]>
#>         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 
#> 0.5149714 0.6361298 0.7694837 0.4880712 0.6073989 0.6305169 0.6899234 0.5897388 
#>         9        10        11        12        13        14        15        16 
#> 0.8003122 0.6009455 0.6605909 0.7162599 0.5725720 0.4985231 0.7849940 0.3561684 
#>        17        18        19        20        21        22        23        24 
#> 0.7064972 0.6200818 0.7191624 0.6620999 0.8057933 0.4800637 0.7696302 0.7981060 
#>        25        26        27        28        29        30 
#> 0.6167236 0.3414434 0.6667225 0.5494305 0.6981704 0.6472363