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ipw() is a bring-your-own-model (BYOM) inverse probability weighted estimator. ipw() accepts a propensity score model and a weighted outcome model that you have already fit. The purpose of ipw() is to capture the uncertainty inherent to this two-step process and calculate the correct standard errors for each estimate. Currently, ipw() supports binary exposures and either binary or continuous outcomes. For binary outcomes, ipw() calculates the marginal risk difference, log risk ratio, and log odds ratio. For continuous outcomes, ipw() only calculates the marginal difference in means.


  .df = NULL,
  estimand = NULL,
  ps_link = NULL,
  conf_level = 0.95

# S3 method for class 'ipw', row.names = NULL, optional = NULL, exponentiate = FALSE, ...)



A fitted propensity score model of class stats::glm(), typically a logistic regression with the exposure as the dependent variable.


A fitted, weighted outcome model of class stats::glm() or stats::lm(), with the outcome as the dependent variable.


A data frame containing the exposure, outcome, and covariates. If NULL, ipw() will try to extract the data from ps_mod and outcome_mod.


A character string specifying the causal estimand: ate, att, ato, or atm. If NULL, the function attempts to infer it from existing weights in outcome_mod, assuming they were calculated with wt_ate(), wt_att(), wt_atm(), or wt_ato().

A character string specifying the link function for the propensity score model: logit, probit, or cloglog. Defaults to whatever link was used by ps_mod.


Numeric. Confidence level for intervals (default 0.95).


an ipw object

row.names, optional, ...

Passed to


Logical. Should the log-RR and log-OR be exponentiated?


An S3 object of class ipw containing:

  • estimand: One of "ate", "att", "ato", or "atm".

  • ps_mod: The fitted propensity score model.

  • outcome_mod: The fitted outcome model.

  • estimates: A data frame of point estimates, standard errors, z-statistics, confidence intervals, and p-values.


The function constructs inverse probability weights based on the chosen estimand, then uses these weights (or extracts them from outcome_mod) to compute effect measures:

  • rd: Risk difference

  • log(rr): Log risk ratio

  • log(or): Log odds ratio

    For a linear outcome model (using stats::lm() or stats::glm() with family = gaussian()), only the difference in means (diff) is returned.

Variance Estimation

The variance is estimated via linearization, which provide variance estimates for IPW that correctly account for the uncertainty in estimation of the propensity scores. For more details on various types of propensity score weights and their corresponding variance estimators, see:

  • Kostouraki A, Hajage D, Rachet B, et al. On variance estimation of the inverse probability-of-treatment weighting estimator: A tutorial for different types of propensity score weights. Statistics in Medicine. 2024; 43(13): 2672-2694. doi: 10.1002/sim.10078


n <- 100
# confounder
x1 <- rnorm(n)
# exposure
z  <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(0.2 * x1))
# binary outcome
y  <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(1 + 2*z + 0.5*x1))

dat <- data.frame(x1, z, y)

# fit a propensity score model (exposure ~ x1)
ps_mod <- glm(z ~ x1, data = dat, family = binomial())

# calculate weights for ATE
ps <- predict(ps_mod, type = "response")
wts <- wt_ate(ps, z)
#>  Treating `.exposure` as binary
#>  Setting treatment to `1`

# fit an outcome model (binary y ~ z) using IPW
outcome_mod <- glm(y ~ z, data = dat, family = binomial(), weights = wts)
#> Warning: non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!

# run IPW
ipw_res <- ipw(ps_mod, outcome_mod)

#> Inverse Probability Weight Estimator
#> Estimand: ATE 
#> Propensity Score Model:
#>   Call: glm(formula = z ~ x1, family = binomial(), data = dat) 
#> Outcome Model:
#>   Call: glm(formula = y ~ z, family = binomial(), data = dat, weights = wts) 
#> Estimates:
#>         estimate  std.err        z ci.lower ci.upper conf.level   p.value    
#> rd       0.16311 0.076670 2.127466   0.0128  0.31338       0.95   0.03338 *  
#> log(rr)  0.19720 0.080683 2.444134   0.0391  0.35533       0.95   0.01452 *  
#> log(or)  1.24122 0.170217 7.291963   0.9076  1.57484       0.95 3.055e-13 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

# Convert to a data frame with exponentiated RR/OR
ipw_res_df <-, exponentiate = TRUE)
#>   effect  estimate    std.err        z   ci.lower  ci.upper conf.level
#> 1     rd 0.1631125 0.07666988 2.127466 0.01284233 0.3133827       0.95
#> 2     rr 1.2179865 0.08068260 2.444134 1.03983716 1.4266572       0.95
#> 3     or 3.4598274 0.17021737 7.291963 2.47836430 4.8299620       0.95
#>        p.value
#> 1 3.338141e-02
#> 2 1.452002e-02
#> 3 3.055334e-13